Saints Martha and Mary of Bethany, Pray for Us!
These holy sisters' hospitality and love for Jesus are a model for how we should console our Agonizing Lord.

Saint Veronica, Pray for Us!
She consoled Jesus on the Way of the Cross... but there is no Veronica in Gethsemane until you and I spiritually enter that garden and become like another Veronica to Jesus there, consoling Him where His friends fell asleep. She is also a patron saint of the devotion to the Holy Face since she consoled His Face on the Via Dolorosa. The Holy Face devotion is very important to adorers of Jesus of Gethsemane, who wept and sweat blood from His Holy Face.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Pray for Us!
She, the great saint of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was asked directly by Our Lord to begin the at-home Holy Hour devotion. She is also a patron saint of the devotion to the Sacred Heart. This is a reminder of the deep connection between devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Agony in the Garden.

Saint Padre Pio, Pray for Us!
This great saint of modern times prayed fervently that more people would become devoted to Jesus of Gethsemane.

Venerable Fulton Sheen, Pray for Us!
On his way to beatification, this exciting and saintly cardinal was a true advocate of the at-home Holy Hour.

Father Matteo Crawley-Boevey, Pray for Us!
Though not officially declared a saint by the Church... yet... Father Matteo (1875-1960) was a holy priest known as the "Modern Apostle of the Sacred Heart," as he was the most recent promoter of praying the at-home Holy Hour.